Society of Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Executives
About the Society of Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Executives
By harnessing the energy, the expertise and the relationship of each member, SEPE would provide a platform for members to develop ideas, solutions and opportunities to enhance their success. To achieve our primary mission, SEPE would offer programs, functions and events:
Introduce our members by Posting of Summary Descriptions of Members: Individuals,Organizations and Corporations in our website.
Provide Networking and information sharing via website/chat line (e.g. yahoo groups) at all times.
Provide Professional Resources to facilitate business development and problem-solving.
Facilitate the exchange of professional services from various sectors, including consultation and referrals.
Promote the Collaboration of business, government agencies, higher education institutions and not-for-profit organizations.
Offer Business to Business Connections for identifying/sharing business opportunity.
Organize Quarterly Meeting with the keynote speaker for sharing and exchange.
Offer Forums for the discussion of issues of importance.
Organize Delegations, Visits, Tours, Educational Seminars, Conference and Conventions that meet members’ interest and provide programs, including sightseeing, for members family when appropriate.
Recognize and celebrate Excellence of Achievement in business and public institutions.
Join Us
Register online here
2) Complete the application
3) e-mail the application to info@sepeglobal.org
Businesses associated with SEPE